Welcome to Stewart Mckeown Photography
I am a photographer born and based in Canterbury, Kent. I specialise in creating atmospheric and dramatic images of my local Kent Landscape and Coast.
Regularly getting out locally has helped me to appreciate and connect with my area on a deeper level while getting that vital experience to know where to be at the right time.
I especially like to be on the coast on a stormy day. Luckily Kent has a wonderfully varied coastline which I frequent as much as I can.
I have been published in a variety of national photography magazines; particularly Outdoor Photography.
I been a part of a number of local exhibitions and I have just completed my first solo exhibition in Canterbury. It was a great experience and I hope to show my work more often in the future.
Prints are available through this website. Click on any images Shopping Cart to see the available sizes. More information can be found on my Print page.
Image licenses are available through my Picfair store. Get in touch if the image you require is not yet available.
Equipment wise I shoot with a Nikon D810 with 16-35mm/50mm/135mm/70-200mm lenses. I use Lee and Haida filters and I have a Benro tripod with an Induro ballhead.
Any questions please use my Contact page.